Dodow – the sleep aid in the ultimate test

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ear muffs for sleeping
ear muffs for sleeping
ear muffs for sleeping
ear muffs for sleeping


We live in a hectic world today that does not particularly care about our bodies or our thoughts. Most people consciously sleep too little or think sleep is not that important anyway.

Almost every third person today suffers from a sleep disorder. No wonder! After a particularly stressful day, we can’t keep up with our own thoughts. Falling asleep is definitely not easy.

Many experts see the solution in relaxation. Popular relaxation exercises are, for example, yoga, meditation, progressive muscle training or autogenic training. You can also see our ear muffs for sleeping


This light metronome makes it easy for you to fall asleep: You switch the device on with one touch (tap once for 8 minutes, tap twice for 20 minutes).

The light simulation synchronizes and slows down your breathing. This also slows down your metabolism and your thoughts. Once the simulation is over, Dodow switches itself off and you can fall asleep completely relaxed.

What Dodow can do
Often it is not necessary to adhere to a complicated exercise routine, but simply to breathe properly. The manufacturers of Dodow have made use of this effect.

The sleep gadget is actually a light metronome. The narrow disk projects a blue light onto the ceiling. You can activate the sleep aid by touch. There are two different long modes: 8 or 20 minutes

The light expands and contracts. By breathing in and out to this rhythm, you relax and make it easier for you to fall asleep.

How is it set up?
Commissioning and setting up the device for the first time is child’s play. All you have to do is put the batteries in the compartment. 3 AAA batteries are already included in the pack.

To use the device for 8 minutes, touch it once.
For the 20 minute meditation twice.
Now you can only concentrate on the light pulse and breathe relaxed.

How Dodow works
Actually, Dodow could also be seen as a personal meditation coach. It synchronizes your breaths and helps you to lower the frequency of them.

In short, this is how you get from 11 to 6 breaths per minute, which balances your heart rate and lets you fall asleep. After the time has elapsed, it switches off automatically.

A weak point of Dodow for many users is the brightness of the device. This can be regulated – but for some the light is still too bright. Especially when falling asleep, too bright light can cause problems.

Let go of thoughts and breathe properly
The manufacturers of Dodow, who suffer from a sleep disorder themselves, are convinced of the effectiveness of the light metronome. They even believe that Dodow is better at helping you fall asleep than sleeping pills. And only by influencing the body’s own rhythm.

The most common factor in having trouble falling asleep is stress. This helps prevent us from falling asleep and worries. About everything important and unimportant – work, school, children, parents, etc.

By concentrating on the light impulses for 8 minutes, you manage to break the vicious circle and you calm down. This also makes it easier to fall asleep.

Our conclusion – does Dodow really work?
Even with a Dodow you won’t get a magical magic trick that will make you fall asleep immediately.
What is important is how you deal with it yourself. See it as an aid that helps you to switch off the “carousel of thoughts” when you have trouble falling asleep

Meditation with Dodow can be seen as a warm-up session – the goal is to relax and let go of all thoughts.

Many insomniacs report good results with the Dodow: A study in a hospital even showed that patients fall asleep up to 2.5 times faster than without it.


2 modes in 8 and 20 minutes
Easy to set up and control
Can be helpful for calming thoughts and putting yourself in a sleepy mood


Too light, which doesn’t make it easier to fall asleep