Magnetic scrubbers that can clean the inside of vases and aquariums

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aquarium coffee table
aquarium coffee table


Sometimes it can be difficult to clean the insides of containers like vases and aquarium coffee table. Many flower vases have an opening that is too narrow to fit your hand through and a shape that makes it inconvenient to use a brush. With an aquarium, you often have to empty the tank to clean the glass. Both problems can easily be solved with a simple magnetic scrubber. All you have to do is embed a strong magnet inside a sponge or other laundry tool. Then slide them with another magnet on the outside and clean even hard-to-reach places.
Step 1: choose a scrubbing tool

The first thing you will need is a laundry tool. The ideal thing to use is a sponge. Since the magnetic scrubber we are meeting is reversible, you can use a sponge with a course scrubber pad on one side and switch between the two sides as needed. You can also use tools like a magic eraser however these will affect much faster than a sponge.


Step 2: choose a magnet
You need a strong magnet to hold the scrubber on the inside wall of the container. I recommend rare earth magnets like neodymium magnets. You can get these at most hardware stores.
Step 3: cut the scrubber to be a little larger than the magnet


Take your laundry tool and cut it so that it is a little bigger than the magnet on each side. You want the magnet to be able to fit in the scrubber, but you don’t want it to be too big.
Step 4: cut a slit on the side of the washer


Using a sharp knife, cut a slot on the side of the scrubber that is big enough for the magnet to use. You want the magnet to rest in the center of the scrubber. Be careful not to cut all the way through. The easiest way to estimate the depth of the cut is to hold the blade by the front. This will show you how far the blade will reach.
Step 5: insert the magnet

Insert the magnet into the scrub bar. You now have a simple magnetic scrubber. We need two of these so repeat the previous step to make a second.
The two magnetic washers should be able to attract from several centimeters away.
Step 6: using the magnetic washer, clean the inside of a container




Place one of the scrubbers on the outside wall of the container and then place the second scrubber inside the container. You should immediately pull towards each other and hold yourself firmly against the side of the container. You can then move the outside scrubber and move inside scrubber will follow.
If the inner scrubber comes off, simply move the outer scrubber near it and the inside scrubber should be pulled back on.

The only problem with this design is that the magnet can sometimes slide out of the side of the sponge. This can happen if you pull the scrubber towards the cut slot. There are two ways to avoid this problem. You can only move the scrubber in the direction of the arrow opposite the slot or you can just sew the opening closed.
Step 7: Optional: Sew the opening closed to hold the magnet in place


To prevent the magnet from sliding through the opening in the side of the washer, you can simply sew the opening closed. First, make sure the magnet is centered. Then with a needle and thread, sew the two sides of the opening together. It doesn’t matter what type of stitch you use, as long as it holds the magnet in place.
Step 8: optional: make the magnetic scrubber stronger


If you want to make the magnetic scrubbers stronger, there are several things you can do.
One way to do this is to make the magnet stronger. You can do this with the help of larger magnets. You can also have multiple magnets in each washer.

Another option is to simply bring the magnets closer together. You can do this with a thin sponge. You can also cut the slit closer on one side.